the petition


the petition

this campaign


19th Century - "Prof. Bouillard used a steel drill to puncture the forehead of a dog in two places, and inserted a red-hot iron...

1923 - "The cat [to which the eyelash nerve had been removed, with the entire nerve nodule] was immersed in freezing water. After 3 minutes it began to shake, after 10 minutes its pupils began to dilate...

1949 - "14 cats were skinned alive. [It was declared that they were being anesthetized with urethane, which does not have any analgesic effect at all]...

2005 - "Study n 101. To clarify the role of the post-synaptic component in competition, we drastically reduced the activity of muscle fibres by the overexpression of a potassium channel...

"Study n. 174. Following a period of enrichment, animals were tested in a Morris water maze ...

Any other original ideas?

Welcome to the homepage of This website is produced and organized exclusively by independent volunteer European citizens to promote a petition to the European Parliament for the abolition of vivisection.
The organization of this initiative has been made possible by the extraordinary commitment and support of the many people involved in its making.

With this website we are making the petition accessible to all European citizens, together with a documentation that explains the need for this initiative. Please visit this website: read the petition, support it and join all the European citizens who are committed to circulate it. The pages of this website are available in five languages in order to reach as many citizens as possible in the states of the European Union.

Everyone who has contributed to the organization of this petition to the European Parliament has done so not as a member or part of a group or a category, but as a personal contribution from a private citizen who is certain of the necessity for such a spontaneous public action. Even the smallest contribution from anyone involved has been of vital importance. Vivisection is a dramatic, horrifying and urgent matter, and its future depends on the individual choice of any of us. All together we -citizens of the European Union- can stop vivisection! Commitment and participation from all of us are really needed.

Sign the Petition! Contribute to the Abolition of Vivisection.

Vivisection is the blackest of all the black crimes that a man is at present committing against God and his fair creation.

The experimenter who first demonstrated that a mouse, by pressing a key, can interrupt an electric impulse that tortures it, proved what humans have known for thousands of years: that the mouse is a highly intelligent animal and man is a very cruel animal.

Experimenters who repeat this type of experiment with infinite variations demonstrate the truth of the old adage: that the difference between intelligence and stupidly lies in the fact that intelligence has its limits.

There will come a time when the world will look back to modern vivisection in the name of science as they now do the burning at the stake in the name of religion.